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By Example provides a full range of training delivery options that are tailored to the specific needs of each client. We evaluate each training need from the learner's perspective and ensure that the training objectives are met in the most learner-friendly and effective way possible.

Our training methodology is a comprehensive, relevant, and pedagogically sound approach to learning and development. We use a multifaceted framework that incorporates the ADDIE design model, Bloom's Taxonomy, and e-learning module evaluation. We also tailor learning experiences to the individual needs of each learner to bridge their skill gaps and align with organizational goals. Our adaptable, versatile, and scalable methodology is based on our extensive experience and lessons learned.

Here are the specific training delivery options that we offer:

  • Instructor-led training (ILT): This traditional training method involves a trainer delivering instruction to a group of learners in a classroom setting.

  • Web-based training (WBT): This type of training is delivered online, allowing learners to access it at their own pace and time.

  • Simulation-based training (SBT): This type of training allows learners to practice skills in a safe and controlled environment.

  • Training aids and job aids (TA/JA): These materials supplement training by providing learners with handouts, checklists, and reference guides.

  • Over-the-shoulder training (OST): This type of training involves a trainer observing a learner as they perform a task and providing feedback.

  • User guides (UG): These documents provide instructions on how to use a product or system.

By Example's training methodology is designed to help learners achieve their training objectives efficiently and effectively. We are committed to providing our clients with high-quality, customized training that meets their specific needs.

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